Monday, April 26, 2010

Skin Cancer Warning Signs - Five Signs and How to Prevent Skin Cancer

Why is it important to know the five signs of skin cancer? It is important to know them because once you know the skin cancer warning signs, you can save yourself from getting worse. And if you do not have the signs, you should learn how to prevent it. This article will tell you what the five skin cancer warning signs are and how to prevent skin cancer.

Skin Cancer PicturesThe Five signs:

1. You see a sore or spot on your skin for more than a month straight without healing

2. You see a spot or experience a sore that itches, hurt, scab, crust or bleeding more than a month

3. You see or experience an area of the skin that ulcerates or broke down without any obvious cause and does not heal in a month

4.You see a shiny pink or red lump on your face, scalp, ears, hands, shoulders or back

5.You see pink lumps that may bleed easily and ulcerate. It is often found on the face, neck and limps

These are some skin cancer warning signs and when you know it, you should really get a treatment. However, if you are NOT seeing any signs that you are having cancer, it is always important to prevent it and save yourself and decrease the likelihood. We all know that prevention is better than cure. Read on to learn how to prevent yourself from cancer.

What can you do to prevent cancer?

Studies have shown that those who take Resveratrol have better skin health. Resveratrol is a food supplement that has helps many people in achieving a healthier and better health. It can also help one to lower their blood sugar level significantly. Resveratrol has also been featured in the Oprah program and on other TV programs as well. It is also perfect for anyone who wishes to lose weight. Read below to find out more about what are the health benefits of Resveratrol.

What are health benefits of Resveratrol:

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These are just some of the benefits of Resveratrol. Its ability to cure sickness and prevent cancer has made it really popular in the market. Do not wait for the skin cancer warning signs to show up, prevent it as soon as possible with the help of Resveratrol.

You can get the free Resveratrol in bulk trial at:

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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Don't Ignore Skin Cancer Warning Signs

As we move toward beach season, we'll all be spending more time outdoors and raising our chances of joining the ranks of the 1 million people the American Cancer Society tells us are diagnosed with skin cancer each year, which is why it's vital not to ignore skin cancer warning signs.

Skin CancerExperts firmly believe many of these cancers are sun related, which means there are things you can do, even in the summer or at the beach, to protect yourself and those you love from this most common of cancers.

Our skin is actually the largest organ of the body, covering the internal organs, protecting them from harm and offering a barrier against infection. Skin also helps regulate your body temperature and gets rid of extra water and salts.

Some skin cells are known to communicate with the brain to help sense temperature, touch and pain.

When it comes to skin cancer, there are three classifications - basal cell, squamous cell, or the more serious (and deadly) melanoma.

Both basal and squamous cell cancers are found mostly on parts of the body regularly exposed to the sun - the head, neck, earlobes and such.

They happen most often in those who spend, or have spent, lots of time in the sun.

While these forms of skin cancer aren't fatal, you still need to have them taken care of because they can invade, and disfigure, nearby tissues.

Melanomas are another story.

These cancers can show up anywhere on the body - more likely on the trunk and legs.

Those with darker skin tones can have this form of cancer on the soles of the feet and palms of the hands where the pigment is lighter.

The danger of this form of skin cancer is that it often goes too long undetected, and so has a chance to spread.

Your best bet when it comes to avoiding skin cancer is to stay out of intense sunlight for long periods, and be sure to practice sun safety no matter what season it is.

This doesn't mean you can't enjoy time out in the sun, but avoid the most intense hours from 10:00 in the morning to well after 2:00 (some say as late as 4:00) in the afternoon.

A bit of sun is fine and needed to boost your levels of vitamin D, but too much is when trouble can start.

When it comes to sunscreen or lip balm, look for SPF of 15 or more, and use a generous amount when you first apply. Be sure to reapply your product every 2 to 4 hours, or after you go swimming, towel dry or sweat profusely.

Experts warn that you should never skip sunscreen on hazy or overcast days - UV rays go right through clouds.

When you're considering sunscreen products, look beyond the SPF number at the expiration dates of any product you buy and make sure you follow the application directions.

If you'll be in the water a lot, the waterproof formulas are better than water resistant brands. And remember, a higher SPF number relates only to UVB rays and can work just as well as a lower number, applied properly.

You may see products that claim to provide both UVA and UVB ray protection, but according to the Skin Cancer Foundation, "At this time there is no standard system for measuring protection from UVA rays."

Beyond wearing sunscreen and avoiding the most intense hours of sunlight, here are some other helpful suggestions for protecting yourself from skin cancer.

- Wear sunglasses to shield your eyes from cataracts, as well as melanoma of the eye or skin caner at the temples. Look for UVA/UVB protection of 99 to 100%.

- Look for shade that casts a shadow, or cover up with a tee or sweats.

- Consider sun protection clothing that's tightly knit and is typically coated with substances able to absorb UV rays.

- Do a skin check once a month that covers your whole body and look for anything skin change, or a mole that's Asymmetrical, has irregular Borders, Color or Diameter. Being familiar with the blemishes of your body helps you spot changes, and get treatment early, when cure rates are high.

- Stay away from using tanning beds (or sun lamps) on a regular basis, the lamps used in the beds send out UVA (and UVB sometimes) rays in concentrated doses, accelerating the total UV radiation. What happens is that you end up with skin cancer at an earlier age. This increases the risk of getting skin cancer at an early age.

If you're determined to have that sun kissed look, self tanners are a safe, effective way to get it.

These products often contain SPF as well, so you get a bronzed glow that has you looking thinner and healthier, while also offering good protection for your skin, and hopefully keeping you and your loved ones free of skin cancer warning signs.

Next just head on over to the Daily Health Bulletin for more information on how to recognize and avoid skin cancer warning signs, plus get 5 free fantastic health reports.

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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

What Are the Early Warning Signs of Skin Cancer?

Symptoms of Skin Cancer

There are a number of skin afflictions that may happen to an individual in an entire lifespan. However, none is more serious than the advent of skin cancer. Skin cancer is the most prevalent form of cancer among humans. It was appraised that about 1 in 10 people will develop malignancy at least once in a lifetime.

Despite these facts, skin cancer is easily detectable mainly because it manifests itself at the skin exterior. Knowing how to distinguish between typical skin disorders and cancers is essential in enhancing one's value of life.

What does it look like? Medically speaking, there are three major conditions and each one has its own set of symptoms.

Basal Cell CarcinomaBasal Cell Carcinoma (BCC)

Basal cell carcinoma cases make up about 80% of all skin cancers. It frequently appears on sun-exposed areas of the skin. On limited occasions, it may develop even on areas that are usually shielded from sunlight. BCC may present itself in different forms.

1. Open sore that intermittently bleeds and heals.

2. Translucent growth with rolled pigmented edges and visible small blood vessels

3. Hard flat lesions or slight depressions with indistinct edges that may be yellow or white in color

4. Skin or yellow colored waxy scar

5. Small clusters of shiny red or pink lesions that easily bleed and are scaly.

Squamous Cell CarcinomaSquamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC)

Squamous cell carcinoma or SCC incidence make up about 16% of skin cancer in the U.S. Areas of the body that are openly exposed to the sun's rays are commonly affected. This includes the face, neck, ears, scalp, arms and hands.

Signs of Squamous Cell Carcinoma includes: scaly portions on the skin with a red inflamed base, non-healing bump or coagulated skin on the lower lip, plaque or wart-like enlargements, non-healing sore, and red scaly bumps or patches.

Squamous cell carcinoma has the propensity to advance to other organs and if left untreated it can be fatal. The tumor tends to develop into large masses. If the patient has a weak immune system and the tumor begin on the lip or ear it can spread to the internal organs or lymph nodes.

Melanoma CancerMelanoma

Melanoma is the least common among the skin cancer but is the most serious type. Only 4% diagnosed skin cancer of this type has been reported. Melanoma cancer should be diagnosed early while the cure rate is about 95%.

It is typically found on the buttocks, legs, back, scalp, neck and behind the ears. However it can exist anywhere on the body like the soles, palms, mouth, genitalia and under the nails.

Signs and Symptoms of Melanoma

When a pre-existing mole begins to change its appearance a melanoma might develop. It is significant to be familiar with the moles on your body because 20% to 40% of melanoma arises from a typical mole.

Doctors recommended ABCDE's of melanoma detection are:

A - Asymmetrical.
B - Borders irregular.
C - Color varies.
D - Diameter greater tan 6mm.
E - Evolving.

Take good care of your skin. Consult your doctor immediately if you notice sudden alterations on its appearance.

Don't Fall Victim to Cancer, Identify the Early Warning Signs and Find out about Symptoms and Treatment Options Today. Visit today and find more information about how to identify Skin Cancer Symptoms.

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Monday, April 12, 2010

Early Signs of Skin Cancer Can Be Inherited

To protect against the early signs of skin cancer, we all know to wear sunscreen and stay out of the sun between those peak hours, but a pair of recent studies both suggest a genetic component to this form of cancer that we cannot escape.

Earlier work in this area suggested that melanoma and other skin cancers might run in families, but researchers often find it hard to distinguish between genes and the environment, and so the question remained unanswered.

Skin CancerAn Australian study out of the University of Queensland attempted to address this challenge by looking at twin pairs where one twin had been diagnosed with melanoma. Using 125 twin pairs (27 sets of identical twins, 98 sets of fraternal twins) the researchers found that having an identical twin who had melanoma increased a person's own risk of developing the same disease nearly ten fold.

Having a fraternal twin with this form of cancer nearly doubled the other twin's risk of being diagnosed as well.

This suggests that some of the increased melanoma risk can be attributed to your genes, in particular the interaction between genes. The Australian researchers estimate that genetics account for about half of the difference in skin cancer risk between two people.

The second study, conducted by a team out of the University of California, Los Angeles used the Swedish Family-Cancer Database to look at the risk of several types of skin cancer among the brothers and sisters or children of those diagnosed with the condition.

They found that a person's risk of cancer (of various types, not just the ones a family member had) increases if they have a sibling or parent with a non-melanoma skin cancer.

It may well be that your family history can be used to assess your own risk of developing cancer of the skin.

This year, an estimated one million cases of skin cancer will be diagnosed in the U.S. alone. What's more, it can happen to anyone, at any time, even if you're free from risk factors (fair complexion, family history, severe sunburn early in life or age) which is why you should always, always talk to your doctor about any growth on your skin that change shape, bleeds or doesn't heal.

If you have a close family member who has (or had) skin cancer, your best weapon is your awareness of the increased risk you may carry. Be extra-careful about the sun, limiting your exposure during peak (10:00 am - 2:00 pm) hours and using sunscreen or protective clothing year round.

Look over your own skin on a regular basis (using a mirror as necessary) for any mole, sore or skin growth that appears or changes. Watch for...

Asymmetry - one half of the area is different than the other.

Border - the outlines of the area are irregular

Color - can vary from one area to another in shades of tan, brown or black, sometimes even white, red or blue

Diameter - almost always bigger than 6 mm (the size of a pencil eraser)

Remember, a family history is only a risk factor according to these latest findings - the genes you carry don't guarantee you anything, good or bad. Your best bet if you're worried about the early signs of skin cancer is to make changes to limit the risks you can control, be aware and stay informed.

FREE Bonus Secret Health Reports - For a limited time you can grab 5 FREE essential health reports from Daily Health Bulletin and click the link now to discover other early signs of skin cancer and natural remedies that can help reduce your risk of developing cancer.

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Friday, April 9, 2010

Skin Cancer Warning Signs

What are the skin cancer warning signs and what can be done to help prevent skin cancer?

In recent years, a lot of attention has been focused on the prevention of skin cancer. Of course, skin cancer is not a new disease but as scientists have learned more about how to prevent it, they realized that early detection is the key. It is important, therefore, that people are aware of what they can do to prevent skin cancer and what to keep an eye out for so that they can catch the cancer in time.

Skin CancerThere are two main risk factors for skin cancer. The first is sun exposure. People who live in sunny areas, people who are continuously exposed to the sunlight, or people who were badly sunburned as children are all at a higher risk. Fair-skinned people are high risk as well. It is important that everyone be protected when they go out in the sun. Sunscreen should be worn all the time, even if the day seems cloudy or not that hot. This is especially important for those with fair skin and for children.

If you are going to be exposed to the sun for a long period of time, you should try to cover up as much skin as possible with hats, long pants, or jackets. Young children should always wear a wide-brimmed hat when playing out in the sun. The second component of skin cancer risk is genetic. Some people are just more apt to get skin cancer than others. There is nothing you can do about this, but if you know you are at a greater risk because of your family, you should be even more vigilant in checking for skin cancer warning signs.

There are several types of skin cancer, and they all present slightly different. Melanoma is one of the rarer skin cancers, but it is also the most deadly. Catching melanoma early is important, so everyone should make checks of their bodies on a monthly basis, just like a monthly breast exam is recommended for women. One way to remember the warning signs of melanoma is the mnemonic "ABCDE." The A stands for asymmetrical. Check any moles on your body. Asymmetrical moles could be malignant. B stand for border.

If the border of the mole or mark looks irregular, then get it checked out. C stands for color. Moles that are multiple colors could be cancerous. D stands for diameter. If you have a mole that measures more than 5 mm, it is at greater risk for being a melanoma. E can stand for evolution or elevation. Evolution means how the mole has appeared over time. Has it changed color, shape, or size? This is a sign that cancer might be developing. Elevation means that mole is raised up above the skin. If you have any of these warning signs, you should make an appointment to see your doctor right away.

Skin cancer can present in different ways and a doctor will need to examine you to determine if a mole or area of skin needs to be checked further. A biopsy is usually done and the sample is checked for malignancy.

Early detection of skin cancer is important. Many doctors are including skin checks during yearly physicals. If you are concerned about an area of your body, discuss it with your doctor. They can let you know if more testing should be done.

John Grimes is with - makers of natural sanitizer products for skin care.

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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

What Causes Skin Cancer ?

Skin cancer is deemed any malignant growth that may appear on the skin. There are three major forms of skin cancers which include melanoma, basal cell cancer and squamos cell cancer. Because the tumours will usually develop on the epidermis or the outermost layer of the skin, finding the cancerous growth is relatively easy. Skin cancer is very widespread and is the most apparent cancer in human populations. However it has a noticeably lower incidence of death because of the likelihood that it will be discovered in the early phases of the disease. Melanoma is the worst kind of skin cancer but is less prevalent than the two other forms of this disease. In many instances of the disease, the cancer does not always spread immediately or at all.

sunWhat causes Skin Cancer?

There are quite a few established causes of skin cancer. The most widely accepted cause is over exposure to harmful ultraviolet rays or sunlight. The list below discusses some of the main causes:

o Suffering from any deficiency of the immune system, that is having a disease that subjects you to lessened immune system function, will elevate the risk for developing skin cancer. This decrease in the ability of the immune system to function may also be as a result of consuming drugs to fight an autoimmune disease or after having an organ transplant. These drugs will be used to lower the immune system response in the case of autoimmune diseases that prompt the immune system to attack its own cells and organs, for example in people with lupus. These drugs are also used after an organ transplant to make certain that the body will not reject the newly transplanted organ.

o Being exposed to abnormally high levels of X-rays may induce the development of skin cancer.

o Using tanning booths to get an artificial tan has been broadly accepted as a probable cause of the disease.

o There are some chemicals that have been found to trigger the development of skin cancers. These will usually include polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and arsenic. It is speculated that polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons may possibly be inhaled because of low levels of contamination in the air, consumed in foods and by making contact with any surface that is saturated with the chemical.

o Some people are said to be at a higher risk, such as lighter skinned people, people with blond or red hair and green or blue eyes. Having freckles or being prone to sun burn may also elevate a person's risk for developing this type of cancer.

o Having a genetic abnormality that does not allow the development of pigment can increase the risk for the disease. These disorders include albinism and xeroderma pigmentosum.

o If an individual has already had skin cancer the risk is much higher.

o If you had at least one very extreme case of sunburn in childhood the risk for developing this type of cancer is greater.

o Having a family history of the disease is also a well known risk factor.

o If you have several moles these can become cancerous growths on the skin's surface. Some individuals choose to have any moles removed to decrease the likelihood that they will develop into cancerous growths.

Please visit this link for more information: and

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